advertiser details

ID: 26206
Kovo Affiliate Program
Report Return Period 3小时~5小时
Latest Effective Data 90天
approval period authorize the commission owned by clicking the advertisement after 30.00 days
conditions U_id length 200 smart links supported
refunds supported similar domains unsupported
Restricted Keywords Qualifying Payment is defined as the third on-time monthly payment by the referred customer, given that the first two monthly payments are also on-time. On-time is defined as paid within 30 days of the due date

mobile unsupported
advertiser link category normal link
smart links
more details Earn referral payouts by bringing Kovo Credit Builder to your followers, fans, and more. Kovo enables people to build credit and earn rewards towards their biggest financial goals.

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recent announcements (last 6 months)

Date announcement type Title
2023-06-27 【商家促销】 【Kovo Affiliate Program】Build Credit & Earn Reward
2023-06-20 【商家促销】 【Kovo Affiliate Program】Build Credit & Earn Reward
2023-06-13 【商家促销】 【Kovo Affiliate Program】Summer Sale up to 70%