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ID: 26207
Meat! Your Maker
Report Return Period 3小时~5小时
Latest Effective Data 95天
approval period authorize the commission owned by clicking the advertisement after 30.00 days
conditions U_id length 200 smart links supported
refunds supported similar domains unsupported
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Affiliation with MEAT is granted at the discretion of the brand. We consider our affilaites to be synonymous with partners and try to ensure we provide the maximum benefit to both parties. We allow all marketing efforts that are not harmful, canibalistic, unfair, unethical, or otherwise damaging to the brand. If there are any ever questions regarding tactics, permitted actions or general affilaition efforts please reach out. Thank you and welcome to the brand!

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advertiser link category normal link
smart links
more details MEAT! is an exciting new brand dedicated to the MEATIVORE, and we want you to be part of it. You know we're all about processing meat, so now it's time to make some dough. We're an innovative team with reliable, high quality, commercial-grade gear.

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