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ID: 20954
Moreschi IT
Report Return Period 3小时~5小时
Latest Effective Data 584天
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more details Moreschi sinonimo di artigianalità, contemporaneità e passione. L’azienda viene fondata nel 1946 a Vigevano e si caratterizza per la produzione di calzature e pelletteria di alta qualità, con l’intera filiera produttiva gestita internamente. I prodotti Moreschi esprimono eleganza senza tempo e sono ambasciatrici di quel “Saper Fare” italiano che ha reso il Made in Italy sinonimo di eccellenza nel mondo. Le calzature Moreschi nascono da un binomio inscindibile: mano d’opera qualificata e pellami selezionati con cura. Stringate, Mocassini, Stivaletti, Sneakers e Sandali in un mix di manifattura Made in Italy e tradizione calzaturiera. ______________________________________________________________________ ENGLISH VERSION: Moreschi is synonymous of craftsmanship, contemporaneity and passion. The company was founded in 1946 in Vigevano and is characterised by the production of high quality footwear and leather goods, with the entire production chain managed in-house. Moreschi products are the interpreter of timeless elegance and the ambassador of that Italian "Know-How" that has made Made in Italy synonymous with excellence all over the world. Moreschi shoes are the result of an inseparable combination of skilled workmanship and carefully selected leathers. Lace-ups, Loafers, Boots, Sneakers and Sandals , for an ideal mixture of rigorous Made In Italy manufacturing and footwear tradition.

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