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ID: 6465
Oars + Alps
Report Return Period
Latest Effective Data 90天
approval period authorize the commission owned by clicking the advertisement after 15.00 days
conditions U_id length 200 smart links supported
refunds supported similar domains unsupported
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advertiser link category normal link
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Oars+Alps 的目标是为男性提供可以覆盖一年四季需求的护肤品,致力于塑造专门针对男士的线上护肤品牌,而不是采用传统的零售商销售模式。所有产品都符合运动休闲的风格,这也是男性最热爱的生活方式。

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recent announcements (last 6 months)

Date announcement type Title
2019-09-24 【商家上下线公告】 【新广告主上线通知】Oars + Alps上线啦!