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ID: 22129
Veronica Beard
Report Return Period 3小时~5小时
Latest Effective Data 74天
approval period authorize the commission owned by clicking the advertisement after 3.00 days
conditions U_id length 200 smart links supported
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Veronica Beard is an elevated American sportswear brand that strikes the balance between classic and cool.

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recent announcements (last 6 months)

Date announcement type Title
2022-09-29 【商家促销】 【Veronica Beard UK】全站商品订单满£370免邮!
2022-09-22 【商家促销】 【Veronica Beard UK】全站商品订单满£370免邮!
2022-09-15 【商家促销】 【Veronica Beard UK】全站商品订单满£370免邮!
2022-09-09 【商家促销】 【Veronica Beard UK】全站商品订单满£370免邮!