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Mother's Day 2024: LinkHaitao Featured Merchants

This Mother's Day, LinkHaitao has partnered with many incredible merchants offering exclusive deals for customers worldwide and higher commission rates for our publisher and affiliate partners. In honor of the wonderful moms everywhere–whether she’s a beauty buff, a travel enthusiast, or simply enjoys the finer things in life–our team and our amazing partners are here to deliver the most wonderful gifts and unforgettable experiences this season.

Special Event
Different Types of Affiliates You Can Partner With for Business Growth

Affiliate partnerships have become a powerful tool for advertisers to expand their reach and drive sales. By collaborating with affiliates, businesses can tap into new audiences and benefit from targeted marketing efforts. However, not all affiliates are the same. Understanding the different types of affiliates available can help advertisers strategize and select the best partners to maximize their affiliate marketing efforts.

Business Growth
Branding and Affiliate Marketing Growth for Advertisers

Affiliate marketing is a competitive industry. Grabbing attention and driving sales requires a strategic approach. When you are able to combine the powerful duo of branding and affiliate marketing, this can become the key to unlocking explosive growth for your affiliate marketing business. So how do you build a strong brand and how can doing so benefit your campaigns?

Affiliate Marketing Growth