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ID: 26849
Report Return Period 3小时~5小时
Latest Effective Data 73天
approval period authorize the commission owned by clicking the advertisement after 30.00 days
conditions U_id length 200 smart links supported
refunds supported similar domains unsupported
Restricted Keywords

Terms & Conditions: -          We do not allow trademark bidding. Bidding on trademark terms, trademark +, misspellings or any variation thereof is strictly prohibited. Affiliates found to be in violation of this condition will be subject to removal from the program and their sales reversed. -          We do not allow direct linking. The use of redirected pages and links to send a user to our site is prohibited. For example, you may not have a PPC link on a search engine that redirects the user to our site. -          We allow email marketing campaigns. All partners must be Can-SPAM compliant and contact us prior to running these for suppression lists. Any partner that doesn't reach out first is considered to be in violation of our terms and conditions. All email affiliates must be Can-Spam compliant. Please contact the affiliate manager for the most up to date creative and suppression list. -          Domain forwarding is prohibited - you may not purchase a domain and set it to forward directly to our site using your affiliate links. -          Use of any of our trademarked terms as part of the domain or sub-domain for your website is strictly prohibited (i.e. or -          Only approved codes found in the Impact Affiliate Account are allowed. Any affiliate found to be using non-approved codes is subject to removal from the program. -          All affiliates must use the most up to date and whole creative from the Impact Affiliate Account. Any affiliate found to be using incomplete, or out of date creative can be removed from the program and their sales reversed. -          Orders are subject to reversals within 45 days of being processed. -          Social Media is allowed on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the program manager for specifications regarding social campaigns. -          You ARE PROHIBITED from posting your affiliate links on elyse walker’s Facebook, Twitter, etc., company pages in an attempt to turn those links into affiliate sales. -          Campaign accepts US Traffic only. -          Affiliates have a limited license and permission to access and make personal use of the Site, but not to download any portion of it for any commercial purpose or to modify any portion of it.  Affiliates agree not to store in any form, distribute, transmit, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, sell or otherwise exploit any of the content on this Site for any commercial purpose. -          While representing our Site, affiliates will not: (i) violate any laws, third party rights, or our policies set forth on the Site; (ii) use any content (including, without limitation, all designs and photographs) on the Site for any commercial purposes; (iii) post false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, or libelous content (including personal information); (iv) distribute or post spam, chain letters, or pyramid schemes on or through our Site; or (v) impair, disable or otherwise adversely affect the Site or the functionality or operation of the Site, including without limitation, distributing, submitting, posting or uploading any materials that contain or distribute viruses or disabling code, files, programs or any other technologies that may harm elyse walker, the Site or any other Site user. -          Coupon Codes: 1.     You may ONLY advertise coupon codes that are provided to you through the affiliate program or network or that are displayed on our website(s). 2.     Posting any information about how to work around the requirements of a coupon/promotion without our approval (i.e. first time customers only) will result in removal from the program. 3.     Coupons must be displayed in their entirety with the full offer, valid expiration date and code. 4.     You may NOT advertise coupon codes obtained from our non-affiliate advertising, customer e-mails, paid search, or any other campaign. 5.     You may NOT give the appearance that any ongoing offer requires clicking from your website in order to redeem. For example, if all items on the site have free shipping over $100, you may not turn this into an offer that infers that the customer must click from your site to get this deal. 6.     On click through, you must link directly to our website. Framing of our website is strictly prohibited. 7.     Cookie Stuffing/Forced Clicks: You must not mislead customers into clicking on an offer or coupon that does not exist or practice similarly deceptive tactics that are generally known as "cookie stuffing or forced clicks." These include, but are not limited to: a)     Using knowingly expired offers or presenting offers that do not exist or are not affiliate offers b)     Making claims that a user must click on a link first to activate or receive an offer. c)     Presenting a button that claims to show all offers that sets the affiliate cookie in the background d)     Technology that generates a click or sets the cookie from the action of copying a coupon code or through a pop under.

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advertiser link category normal link
smart links
more details elysewalker is one of the most sought-after purveyors of premium curated apparel, jewelry and accessories. The company has garnered a reputation among fashion designers and brands as well as a global, passionate and loyal customer following.

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