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ID: 4783
RDX Sports
Introduction:RDX Sports was launched in 1999 and since then, we have achieved a level where we sit with the top brands in the market.
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Latest Effective Data 121天
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RDX Sports was launched in 1999 and since then we have achieved a level where we sit with the top brands in the market.With over a million happy customers across the globe RDX Sports has always lived up to the expectations of over 1100 partner clubs and gyms with hundreds of distributors across the globe and we have finally decided to open our doors for the grand market of Internet Affiliate Marketers.

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recent announcements (last 6 months)

Date announcement type Title
2022-08-16 【商家促销】 【RDX Sports】促销专区最高45折!
2022-08-03 【商家促销】 【RDX Sports】促销专区欢迎选购!
2022-07-27 【商家促销】 【RDX Sports】热促专区最高45折优惠!